Czech Presidential Elections: my Photoreportage

I have covered the first round of the Czech presidential elections for Deník N. My job was to report on the night's happenings at the staff venue of Danuše Nerudová and, subsequently, Peter Pavel. It was an intense day, but I enjoyed every part because the competitiveness and time pressure pumped adrenaline into my veins. Here is my edit of the story I’ve captured.

Danuše Nerudovas' speech dest: Toes on the mark, hands calm on the desk… Yeah. And you are the best <3 .

A line of journalists waiting for the arrival of Danuše Nerudová,

Nerudová steps out of her car with her family in front of Galerie Nanes in Prague.

Danuše Nerudová and Robert Neruda.

Nerudovas' interview with journalists at her venue.

Nerudova thanks her supporters.

Photographers photograph photographers.

The presidential candidate acknowledges defeat in front of the crowd of her staff and journalists.

Nerudovas' son cries while she talks.

Husband Robert Neruda hugs Nerudova.

Some of the volunteers are helping Nerudova with her campaign.

Presidential candidate Peter Pavel.

Presidential candidate and senator Pavel Fisher comes to Peter Pavels' venue after admitting defeat.

Defeated presidential candidate and the member of the Czech Senate, Marek Hilšer comes to Pavel as a sign of support.

Peter Pavel prepares for a TV interview.

Pavel during an interview in the press room.

Pavel after the interview.

A shelf at Peter Pavels' team office in Prague.

Peter Pavels' campaign manager Pavla Nýdrle.